Tuesday, February 15, 2011

100 Things I Can Live Without

I've gotten inspired by Emily Suess' love of 100 things lists so here goes...

1. war
2. anger
3. fear
4. depression
5. most psychiatrists
6. bad drivers
7. Philadelphia driving
8. active alcoholics
9. active drug users
10. idiots
11. closed and condemning Christians
12. most TV
13. housework
14. bad attitudes
15. judgements 
16. judgemental people
17. snakes
18. flies
19. misquitos
20. oil spills
21. tarrot cards
22. psychics
23. constant cell phone users
24. people who text while driving
25. drunks
26. rude lane cutoffs
27. flambouant gay men
28. cross dressers
29. elitists
30. people who find money most important in life
31. the devil and demons
32. comedians who are not funny
33. nosiy neighbors
34. dysfunctional loud neighbors
35. bad areas in Chester
35. bullies
36. gangs
37. extreme macho behavior
38. traditional religions
39. "airy fairy" personalities
40. bad parents
41. abuse
42. sex offenders (never let them out)
43. criminals
44. guns
45. republicans in general
46. slow computers
47. editing
48. snow
49. ice
50. temps below 60
51. racism
52. KKK (should all be shot)
53. rednecks
54. did I mention closed minds?
55. people who think they have the only "truth"
56. people who believe they're always right
57. untamed dogs who jump up
58. clutter
59. dirty houses
60. call waiting
61. Maury Povich
62  popes
63. illiteracy
64. violence
65. rap music
66. opera
67. stepping in poo
68. people using eff word constantly
69. disrespect
70. did I say hate yet?
71. memory loss
72. complainers
73. BO
74. crowded airports
75. tiny airline seats with no space
76. long car rides/drives
77. televangleists
78. the word "homosexuality"
79. homophobia
80. laziness
81. dishonesty
82. people who won't/can't/don't listen
83. hard core loud rock and roll
84. most country/western music
85. over or under cooked food
86. canned salmon
87. greasy chinese take out
88. guys who spit on sidewalk
89. gossipers
90. cheaters
91. back-stabbers
92. "Christians" not practicing what they preach
94. bigots
95. poverty
96. Georges Bushes
97. Sarah Palin
98. tea party politicians
99. loud cell phone talkers
100. worry

Phew! I'm done. That took longer than I thought it would, but was fun! If I've offended you I'm sorry; I hope no one takes my list personally.

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