The question for today is about who has made my life worth living for. I would have to say, Jesus Christ, when he was on earth in the flesh as according to the Gospels. Yes, I do believe He was a real person as well as the spiritual one dwelling within every believer. I think the truth list is referring to a regular human though so that's a tougher question!
If I am to choose only one then it's my son. From the moment Dylan was born on through today, he has given my life much purpose and meaning. I am well suited to parenthood. I have an internal "baby magnet"; I've never been able to walk by one without stopping to say hello. Preschoolers are cool too, but that's my age limit of preference! However I can honestly say that Dylan has been a blessing at every age including the teens. I don't claim that being a parent is always easy and fun, but it never ceases to be rewarding.
Rather than going off on a long tribute to his childhood, (which I am inclined to do) I'd rather explore what he means to me today as a grown man. He is the cornerstone of my support system, my joy, family and friend. His love is unconditional; he's extraordinarily intuitive, insightful and smart. He and his junior high school sweetheart/best friend have been married for ten years and are still going strong. In case you can't tell, I'm very proud of who he has turned out to be! He never has been too keen on school yet he managed to acquire a job that others with college degrees hold; it has to do with microfilming (or it's more modern equivalent) and city record keeping. His wife is fortunate as well; she works for the DA's office and holds a BS in Psychology; I'm proud of her too. They are working on having a family; for now I have two gorgeous "grandcats". :-)